RFA Christmas: Our Ultimate Guide To Gifting Art This Festive Season!

RFA Christmas: Our Ultimate Guide To Gifting Art This Festive Season!

Few gifts are more memorable than a work of art... there is nothing quite as unique, luxurious or brings as much enjoyment, that long outlives the initial act of giving. An original painting or a limited edition print may just be the perfect way to show someone how much you care, or to surprise that someone in your life who seems to already ‘have it all’ (and I think we all know one of those people) – for many, art may be the one item that they would love to own but not necessarily something they would splurge on for themselves. So, if you are considering giving the gift of art this Christmas but have no idea where to start… then we are here to help! 
I have taken the opportunity on the run up to the festive season, to compile some of our top tips that will hopefully help you to select that perfect present for that perfect person in your life.
Think about their interests: 
Taking some time to consider what the recipient gets a kick out of in life can certainly assist in the selection process. Maybe they are a music enthusiast, a film fanatic or have an admiration for a certain celebrity? Artists like JJ Adams or Stuart McAlpine Millar, who's work focuses around edgy depictions of some of the music and film industries biggest icons, may just be up their street.
JJ Adams 'Music's Most Wanted'
Or perhaps they enjoy travelling or sightseeing and have a long list of beloved cities and scenic spots that they have had the chance to visit - then a beautiful landscape artist like Lynn Rodgie may be more fitting for them. If they are an animal lover then they may appreciate Katy Jade Dobson’s striking depictions of wildlife. If you know that they will take delight in the subject matter, then that is already half the battle!
'Dark Aura' Katy Jade Dobson
Consider their personal style:
This can refer to any way the recipient chooses to express themselves – whether it be in art collections they have already formed, or if they are completely new to the scene then it could even be the way they have styled their home, the car they drive or even their fashion sense. Do they love bright and bold uses of colour, or do they favour a more neutral palette? Are they a fan of ultra-modern gadgets and furnishings or would they prefer to purchase items with a bit of ‘history’? It is probably no surprise that there can be a correlation between someone’s taste in other areas of their lives and the type of art they are drawn to. Thinking about this can determine whether they’d be more likely to go for something a little more unconventional, like the work of Rebel Bear, or prefer an image that is more understated, like Gill Knight’s original paintings. 
Rebel Bear 'A Wish For Freedom'
What do you want it to say?
Art is so incredibly visual and can evoke all kinds of feelings for the viewer – making it one of the most creative ways of saying something to the recipient, without the use of words. Are you looking to show a partner how much you love them? Then a romantic scene like the ones Richard Blunt sets in his pieces, may be the way to do this.
'Power Couple' by Richard Blunt
You might want to remind them of a special time or memory you have shared together… or you may want to add a little humour to their life with the work of Mr Controversial (who does actually use some pretty hilarious words in his images!) Art is the perfect way to encapsulate your relationship with the receiver of this work and will serve as a wonderful reminder of this every time they look at it.
Mr Controversial 'This Is Reality' 
Additional help:
Buying art can seem daunting, especially when it is for someone else so there are a few other tricks that can help ease this process. It can be beneficial take a trip to the gallery with the person and have a look around together, or to give them some suggestions through our website – as this can give you a clearer indication of what they may be interested in. If you want to keep it a total surprise however, then you can always give one of our team members a quick call and we can discuss the recipient and make some suggestions based on their characteristics and your budget.
If you are still struggling, or maybe you cannot make up your mind between a few pieces, then our Robertson Fine Art Gift Card could be the perfect solution. This way you are still giving them the wonderful gift of beginning or adding to their art collection but the buying experience is still theirs to enjoy!
Lastly, we know that artwork is incredibly hard to hide before the big day! So we do offer services to store the works up until the big day and can deliver paintings directly to the recipient if they live further afield. We can also gift wrap all limited edition or original works for you and can include personal notes or dedications on request – which we are sure will only add to the delight on Christmas day!
At Robertson Fine Art we are so proud to say we have been part of many exchanges of art over past holiday seasons and we are definitely no stranger to how much of a magical experience this can be. We really look forward to the possibility of assisting you with sourcing that perfect gift this Christmas!
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